søndag 11. januar 2009

Spiriual and Mundane Personae

[This was originally posted on another mailing list but a friend a mine told me he had benefitted from reading it, so therefor I also post it here. I also publish the question my post was an answer to but have kept no names.]

Is it possible to lead a dedicated spiritual life without messing up dmask of our everyday persona ? if so, how can this be achieved ? is adeliberate split personality i.e. worldly & spiritual, deterimentalfor spiritual growth?


The Will to Love is the Law to Live ;-) 

I think the discussion "Spiritual & Mundane Personae" is an interesting one. I think many on the path to self-ralization, or Self-actualization, has encountered this question. 

As for myself, I think we operate with multiple personalities on a daily basis. At least I do. 

Personae means mask, and I have many of them. I have the mask of the son in relation to my parents. I have the mask of the father in relation to my daughter. I have the mask of the lover in relation to my ladyfriend. I have the mask of the professional in relation to work. 

I do not think that wearing mask is bad in itself. It is only natural. They arise spontaniously when we enter different sets of social interaction. 

I think Karl König (famous for working with mentally disabeled people) once said that the main difficulty for the mentally disabled is that they only operate through one mask all the time, and that it is this that make social interacting so difficult for them. 

Roberto Assagioli - the founder and developer of Psychosynthesis - also acknowledge that individuals operate with multiple personalities in a healthy way. 

So, in relation to social interacting, masks are a necesary tool and asset. 

But masks are masks, and every good actor knowns this. What is important is that we remember our Self in every acticity, behind every mask. We have to be rooted in our fundamental I-feeling when wear our masks and engages in "mundane" activities (but one could argue that there is no real difference between the spiritual and mundane. The Kaulas of Kashmir holds this notion: there is no difference. All is Chaitanya, (universal God-consciousness). We just have to remember to NOT IDENTIFY ourselves with the masks and keep the rememberance that the Self is the Divine Actor. We have to practice what Gurdjieff calls Constant Self-Rememberance. 

Also, I find the suggestions of the Nandinathas very helpful in this regard. The Hawaiian Naths say that one choulddivide ones awareness two thirds on the inner world and one third on the outer world. In this way one is always aware on how one reacts and responds in relation to the outer world. One also becomes aware on which mask one wears, or which personality one emits. 

So, as long as we live under the rules of Maya's Leela, why not participate in her play? And as long as one have a body one will be under the influence of the the three gunas, the five elements and multiple personalities. 

One could say that all "normal" people are kind of schizophrenic. Only the individual who recognizes the operations of the different personalities can be said to be really healthy. As I understand it, being as master of oneself and ones ways of functioning, is what is ment by being a "Lord" or "Lady" 

Love from Visarganath 

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